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Sixth Generation

54. Henrik GALLUS was born about 1685. He died on 28 September 1773 at the age of 88 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.163 At least one earlier generation of the Gallus family seems to have lived in Sopron. Either the 1726 death record of a Henrik Gallus, or the 1730 death record of a György Gallus may have been the father of our Henrik. The József Gallus who died in 1729 is more likely to be a brother or cousin of our Henrik, since he had a documented child born in the 1720s. Unfortunately, these death records give no more information than the names of the deceased. His death record gives no age.

Our Henrik Gallus was a teacher ("tutor" in Latin) and citizen ("civis" or "bürger") of Sopron, an important city in the northwest of Hungary. His given name was recorded in Latin as Henrico or Henricus. The family name was also spelled Gallüsi, implying that he may have been Magyar. In keeping with the usage in this database, the standard Hungarian spellings of all given names are used for this family, though their language was probably German rather than Magyar.

Maria Anna KRANAWETTER and Henrik GALLUS were married on 30 June 1732 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.164 This was the groom's third, and we believe, last marriage.

55. Maria Anna KRANAWETTER was born on 1 October 1709 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.165 Godparents were the nobleman Simon Kraszér and his wife Elesina for this child and all of her siblings found to date. She died on 19 September 1758 at the age of 48 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.166 This death record reads simply Anna Maria Gallanitsin ... and may very well not be associated with our ancestor -- though she probably did die in the 1750s. Given the frequency with which her given names were reversed, it is possible this is the correct death record. In the marriage record, her name is given as Maria Anna Kronowötterin (in is the feminine suffix sometimes used in German). Her given name is recorded that way in the baptismal records of six of her 11 children. For the others, her name is given as Anna Maria. The fact that the godmother of most of the children was also named Anna Maria, probably confused the situation for the priests who recorded the data.

Children were:


Éva Therézia GALLUS was born on 23 April 1733 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.167 Godparents were Paul Marthon and his wife Maria Magdelena. She died on 30 June 1739 at the age of 6 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.168 The death record gives the child's name as Teresia.


Anna Katalin GALLUS was born on 21 January 1735 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.169 Godparents were Paul Marthon and his wife Maria Magdelena. She died on 25 February 1735 at the age of 0 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.170 The death record gives the child's name as Catharina and incorrectly gives the mother's name as Regina.


János Pál GALLUS was born on 11 January 1736 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.171 The baptismal date is illegible, it is probably around the 11th of January. The family name was written "Gallgi" but was corrected to "Gallus." Godparents were Paul Marthon and his wife Maria Magdelena. He died on 22 January 1801 at the age of 65 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.172 He died at age 65 and was identified as Johann Paul Gallus. According to the website "The Sopron Public Baths in Early Modern Times" in 1762 Pál Gallus (Gallist) was granted civic rights as a burgher in Sopron.


Maria Anna GALLUS was born on 6 March 1738 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.173 Godparents for this child, and all subsequent children of Henrik Gallus, were Franciscus Weilenbek and his wife Maria Anna. The family name of the godfather was spelled differently in virtually every record. She died on 3 August 1740 at the age of 2 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.174 The death record incorrectly gives the child's name as Anna Maria. The death record gives the child's name incorrectly as Anna Maria and identifies her father as a "sutoris."


Maria Borbála (Éva) GALLUS was born on 2 October 1741 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.175 She died on 13 October 1741 at the age of 0 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.176 It is uncertain if this is the correct death for this child. The child's baptismal record appears to give her name as Barbara and the death record as Éva, but otherwise this interpretation of the record makes sense. But, it is possible that this is actually the death record of another daughter born in 1740, whose baptismal record was not found.


Ignácz GALLUS was born on 22 October 1742 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.177 He died on 27 December 1743 at the age of 1 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.178 In the death register, he is only identified as the son of Henrici Gallus.


Mátyás Ferencz GALLUS was born on 13 January 1744 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.179 He died on 20 February 1744 at the age of 0 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.180 The death register reads "Franc. Henrici Galles Sutoris fulius" indicating that the child's name was Franciscus. But, since the only candidate living son had been baptized Matthias, it is probable they used his second name and therefore the two names are appended here.


Mária Erzsébet GALLUS was born on 11 July 1745 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.181 She died in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN. Since she is the only one of the Gallus children whose death was not found in Sopron, she is almost certainly the aunt living in Szeged with her butcher husband who Terez lived with after being orphaned.



Anna Maria GALLUS.


Julianna GALLUS was born on 14 February 1750 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.182 She died on 23 April 1750 at the age of 0 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.183 She was identified as Juliana, daughter of Heinrich Galis, Sutoris.


Kristóf GALLUS was born on 2 February 1751 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.184 He died on 26 September 1753 at the age of 2 in Sopron, Sopron m, HUN.185 He was not identified by name, only as the infant son of Heinrich Gallus, Sutoris.

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