First Generation
1. Vincente PUJALS was born on 23 August 1843 in Santiago de Cuba, Oriente, Cuba. He died on 29 March 1901 at the age of 57 in Santiago de Cuba, Oriente, Cuba. Vicente Pujals Puente (1843-1901), the son of Santiago, departed radically from the family tradition of support for the Spanish king. He fought in the Ten Years War (1868-1878). On June 24, 1876 he was promoted to Comandante (Major) under the command of Gen. Máximo Gómez. Later, in the 1895-1898 War for Independence, he was a Brigadier General in the Mambi forces. His service as a young officer in the Ten Years War apparently served him well, since he was now a member of the General Staff and a senior advisor to the Mambi Commander-in-Chief -- his old friend Gen. Máximo Gómez.