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Sixth Generation

44. [Progenitor] PINTÉR was born (date unknown). This family name is variously spelled Pintér, Pitner, and Pittner. It's likely the first is a magyarized form of the German name. We will use Pintér, since that is the spelling found on several baptismal records of the Belsóváros church. We know little about the family, but they may tie together some loose ends in the Heszler/Heszlényi clan. For now, it is only a conjecture that the relationships shown in the next two generations truly existed. But, there seem to be too many coincidences about the relationships between the Pintér, Gömöri, Heszler, Waldmüller, Gebhardt and Iváncsics families to chalk this analysis up to "wishful thinking".

Children were:


Rozália PINTÉR was born (date unknown).



György PINTÉR.


Regina PINTÉR was born (date unknown). As with the other Pitner/Pintér's -- their relationship to the Gömöri's and Heszler's is only a guess.

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