Sixth Generation
46. Jakab HESZLER128 was born in 1733. His death record indicates he was born in 1733. His marriage record indicates he was born in 1742. Are these records referring to two separate people, or did he just "adjust" his age when in 1774 he married a 17 year-old? If he was in fact 41 years old at the time of his marriage to Anna Maria, it is likely that he was previously married, but no evidence of this exists in the Szeged records. He died on 23 August 1802 at the age of 69 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.129 He died at age 69. According to Habermann, the prominent HESZLER family of Szeged were German Austrians of the Roman Catholic faith, a member of which settled in Szeged, Hungary as an officer of the imperial guard during the reign of Francis I (1792-1835). While Habermann contains much good information, it clearly includes many errors of fact. An alternative scenario is that our Heszler's were the descendants of Jakab Heszler and Anna Maria Eisenknockl who were married in Szeged in 1774. When this obviously German couple, or their ancestors, came to Szeged in unknown. There are facts which favor the Habermann assertion, and others which favor the Heszler/Eisenknockl origin of our family. This author believes the latter scenario is most credible. The rationale for this perspective, and the many problems with it, are described in detail in my notes on the next three generations of Heszler family history. A scenario which rationalizes the two origins is even possible ... Ferenc Heszler, born in Szeged in 1777, entered the military service, married, had one or more children, and returned to Szeged between 1803 and 1808. Here he began the family construction business with his partner Jakab Gebhart. But alas, as Edward Ball said in the book about his family's history, the resolution of this issue is probably "a nugget of genealogical gold hanging just out of reach." Anna Maria EISENKNÖCKL and Jakab HESZLER were married on 19 May 1774 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.130 The marriage witness was Leopold Faksits of Györ. 47. Anna Maria EISENKNÖCKL was born in 1757. She died on 9 June 1827 at the age of 70 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.131 While her death record is unusual in that it doesn't give her birth name, only her married name, it seems quite certain that this is the correct person. She died at age 70. Children were: 23 | i. | Borbála HESZLER. | 8 | ii. | Ferencz HESZLER. | | iii. | Maria Anna "Anna" HESZLER was born on 1 February 1780 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.132 She died on 19 February 1808 at the age of 28 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.133 In the death register, her name is given as Anna. She died at age 26, indicating birth in 1782. It is certain she was the sister of our Ferenc Heszler, because of the continued family relationship with her husband -- even after her death. But, equating the Maria Anna given in the birth record and the Anna of the death record simply follow from the conjectures concerning her brother Ferenc. | | iv. | Jakab HESZLER was born in 1783 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN. He died on 19 March 1816 at the age of 33 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.134 He died at age 33, and was identified as the husband of Theresia Veber. | | v. | Erzsébet HESZLER was born on 29 December 1784 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.135 | | vi. | Éva HESZLER was born on 11 December 1785 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.136 | | vii. | Antal HESZLER was born on 21 March 1789 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.137 | | viii. | József HESZLER was born on 25 February 1795 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.138,139 His parents are identified as Jakab Heszler and his wife Anna. He was educated at the Piarist Academy between 1807 and 1815 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.140 From 1825 he was a Szeged city official.140 He served as tax collector and later as chief auditor for the city. Politically, he was very well connected. Gábor Klauzál, the great leader of the Liberal Party in southern Hungary and a minister in the revolutionary government of Lajos Kossuth, was a witness at both his marriages and a godfather for both his daughters. József died on 6 February 1857 at the age of 61 in Szeged, Csongrád m, HUN.141,142 An investigation of his office revealed a slight discrepancy, as a result he committed suicide. At the time of his death, he was living in the Rókus district of Szeged. He died at age 62. Habermann identifies this József as the son of the builder, Ferenc, and Ersebet Poltzner. He also gave his birth as Szeged in 1793 (but, questions this information himself). The dates of his attendance at the Piarist Academy are inconsistent with this birthdate ... boys attended this school from age 11 to 19. So he was likely born in 1795 or 1796. His age at death also indicates he was born in 1795. Being the son of Ferenc Heszler is very unlikely, since the father would be only 18 at the date of birth. I believe that, if he was born in Szeged, it is more likely that he was the youngest son of Jakab Heszler. This is the assumption that is made in his regard in this database. |