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Eighth Generation

128. Johann BRÜNING was born about 1639 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. He died on 19 May 1719 at the age of 80 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. His Scharmbeck burial record gives his age at death as 80. Jütte BRÜNINGS and Johann BRÜNING were married about 1674. This family lived at Nedderendermoor #7.

129. Jütte BRÜNINGS was born about 1655. She died on 28 December 1725 at the age of 70 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. Her burial record gives her age as 80, implying birth in 1645. This is implausible, she was probably about 70 at death.

Children were:


[Unknown] BRÜNING died on 3 December 1675. This Scharmbeck burial record is probably for a stillborn child.


Gesche BRÜNING was born in 1677. She died on 17 February 1755 at the age of 78. This is her burial date in Scharmbeck.


Catharina BRÜNING was born on 21 March 1680.


Gevert BRÜNING was born on 17 June 1683 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. He died on 30 December 1769 at the age of 86 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. His Scharmbeck burial record gives his age at death as 86.


Johann BRÜNING was born on 7 August 1686 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. He died on 28 May 1754 at the age of 67 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. His burial record says he was the "husband of Metje, who left him 20 years ago."


Ann BRÜNING was born about 1689.


Hinrich BRÜNING was born about 1693 in Niederendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER. He died on 23 October 1772 at the age of 79 in Oberendermoor bei Scharmbeck, Hannover, GER.




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