Transcript from Roman Catholic Baptismal Register

This transcription was done in 1871 by a priest of Saint Dominick's Roman Catholic Church of Szeged. It records the facts of my great-grandfather's 1843 baptism in that church. See note below for information on the probable rationale for requesting this document, and more about what it doesn't include.

Click to See Note.

Format: Catholic Church Form with Tax Stamp.
Preview of Birth Record Transcription.
Click to See Enlarged Document.

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Content of Transcription.

Top-of-Page Material.
  • The three major printed lines simply proclaim: "Praised Be Our Lord Jesus Christ" then "Extract" and finally "From the Baptismal Register."
  • The most important part of the top material identifies where in the register the information was found for this transcribed extract. In this case, it was Book X (Roman numeral 10) Page 295.
  • The rest identifies the church as the Center City parish of Szeged in Csongrád county, in the diocese of Csanád.
  • The 50kr tax stamp is cancelled by pen to preclude its reuse.

Actual Transcription (Boxed).

  • The first entry is year, month and day of birth and baptism. Both took place on 13 April 1843. Note that "43"is also written out as "negyven három."
  • Next is name, sex, and status of the child being baptized. In this case a legitimate boy named Gyula. [Note: male = fiu; female = leány -- legitimate = törvényes; illegitimate = törvénytelen].
  • The third block on the form is for information about the parents. The father's name, occupation, and status; the name of the mother; the family's confession (ie. religion), and where they lived. Click to See Note.
  • Next similar information is requested for the god-parents. Here only their names are recorded.
  • Finally, the name and title of the priest is recorded. His position is identified as "Szegedi Káplány" -- Curate (ie. Assistant Priest) in Szeged.
Bottom-of-Page Material.
  • The priest who provided the transcription in 1871 simply signed and dated the form, and impressed it with the seal of the parish.