1884 Lost Contract and Related Documents
The 13 March 1884 contract for the purchase of half of the Outer Plum Orchard is no longer to be found in the Molnár family archives. The associated documents, which are a Court Order to permit recording the contract and the Application for recording, define the basics of the missing sales/purchase contract. The Application includes a pencil-sketched map showing the location of the orchard.
Format: Two One-Page Manuscript Documents.
The first is a carbon copy, the second on a printed form.
Court Order ------ Application
Content of Documents.
Court Order.
- Heading. this document begins with the assigned case number (#1879) and the submission date (14 Mar 1884).
- Preamble. "Petition of János Molnár and his wife Zsuzsanna Csáji, residents of Alsó-Novaj, versus (ellen) András Szegedi of Alsónovaj, for recording an entry in the property register ... A Decree."
- Body of Document notes that on March 13 András Szegedi signed his name to a sale/purchase contract for a plum orchard listed on page 178 of the property register and identified as #65 in the topological survey. Therefore, "It is ordered that an entry be made in the register (bekebeleztek) for the benefit of (javára)" the Molnár couple.
- Signature Block the decree is signed and sealed by the Presiding Judge (kiralyi törvényszéki elnök -- abbreviated "kir tszéki elnök") and the Clerk of the Court (jegyzö) of the Royal Court of Justice (Kiralyi Törvényszék) in Kassa on March 21.
- Left Side. On the left in pencil is information about the property: #65 is half of the outer plum orchard (külsö szilva kert) amounting to 139 sq öl, and the names of the buyers are given; below is a hand-drawn map showing what are apparently the two parts of the orchard (#59 and #65) and their location relative to the roads (ut).
- Right Side - Heading Date (Mar 14 84) and the case number (#1879) are hand-written, followed by the printed preamble: "Honorable Royal Court of Justice with responsibility for property registers, in Kassa"
- Title and Applicants. Ownership Registration Application (tulajdonjob bekebelezési kérvénye) of János Molnár and his wife (neje) Zsuzsanna Csaji residents of the village (községi) of Alsónovaj. Below this, it appears that tax stamps were removed.
- Request. #65 is presently recorded to András Szegedi in the Alsónovaj property register, that the above real estate (ingatlan birtok) be registered to the applicant. Then the required number of copies are indicated.